- André Maurice - Be True to You [BR-73-1106]
- Arnold Albury - That's a Bet [275]
- Bear Funk - Revelation Funk [L-1014]
- Big Maybelle - Turn the World Around the Other Way [ROJ115]
- Brother Soul - Train Song [JS-101]
- Carlena Weaver – Jealousy [363]
- Chuck Wood - Seven Days Too Long [R-4754]
- Dorothy Berry - Don't Give Me Love [401]
- Ed Summers - I Can Tell [SO.1001]
- Eddie Bo – S.g.b. [7015]
- Edward Campbell - People Stop and Stare [U-0464]
- Edward Hamilton - My Darling Baby [P1111]
- Emanuel Laskey - I'm a Peace Loving Man [HJC702]
- Ernie Marbray - Ain't Nobody's Business [101137]
- Fantastics - Me and You [SS45-2565]
- Jean Plum - Here I Go Again [5N-2314]
- Jean Shy - Roller Derby World [F-766]
- Jerry Washington - Goin' to a Party [1737]
- Jimmy Burns - Through All Your Faults [771]
- Jimmy Norman - Family Tree [72658]
- Lew Kirton - Heaven in the Afternoon [3743]
- Lonnie Lester - You Choose [210]
- Mandells - I Miss You Baby [222821-F]
- Marva Whitney - Things Got to Get Better [45-6249]
- Nelson Sanders - This Love Is Here to Stay [P-6608]
- Neo Experience – Human [MW88701]
- Rappers - I've Tried [R-1944]
- Ray Crumley - Good Guys Don't Always Win [113]
- Rising Sun - Feel It [41,001]
- Robert Moore - Everything's Gonna' Be All Right [6091]
- Ruby Winters - I Want Action [D-230]
- Sandra Wright - Wounded Woman [TRA-3201]
- Soul City - Cold Hearted Blues [GT-802]
- Tobias & The Sounds - Shooby Dooby [SD71004]
- Tommie Young - Take Time to Know Him [SP-110]
- Train Robbers - Tricky Dick [STS-101]
and more!!

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