- 3582 - Situational Ethics [HD008-1] (2枚組)
- Actress - R.I.P [HJRLP60] (2枚組)
- Audio Active And Laraaji - Way Out Is The Way In [AS26] (2枚組)
- Blackalicious - Make You Feel That Way / Sky Is Falling [088155934-1] (12")
- Boris Gardiner - For All We Know [DY3337]
- Cerrone - Brigade Mondaine [773805] (ジャケット難)
- Conrad Schnitzler / Borngraber & Struver - Con-Struct [MM-007]
- Cypress Hill - We Ain't Goin' Out Like That [4477306] (12")
- Dasha Rush - I Run Iron I Run Ironic [H2C003/004] (2枚組/少々スリキズ)
- Dynarec - R-Cam 38 [DSR/DNR1] (12")
- Freeform - Vietnam And China - Audiotourism Reinterpretations [QS117LP] (ジャケット少々難)
- Future Sound Of London ? Environment Five [LPTOT68]
- Gang Starr - Discipline [724388767569] (12")
- Heartthrob - Dear Painter, Paint Me [M63] (12"/2枚組)
- Impact - Pac Is Back [F-9539]
- In Sync - Inner Base-Outer Space [888-04] (12")
- Jimmy Ross - Fall Into A Trance / First True Love Affair [SPEC-1368] (12")
- Jonah Dan - Intergalactic Dub Rock [BKV018]
- Kaidi Tatham - An Insight To All Minds [FW228] (2枚組)
- Leaders Of The New School - T.I.M.E. (The Inner Mind's Eye) [961382-1] (2枚組/少々スリキズ)
- Loco Dice - 7 Dunham Place [DESOLATLP001] (12"/4枚組)
- Logg - Dancing Into The Stars / I Know You Will [SPEC-1748] (12")
- Loosefingers - When Summer Comes [ML-2222] (12")
- Martian 044 - Prayer Stick [RP-9] (12")
- Mike Ratledge - Riddles Of The Sphinx [MM066]
- Nas - Nastradamus [C263930] (2枚組/スリキズ)
- Pantha Du Prince - This Bliss [DIALLP09] (2枚組)
- People's Choice / Cheryl Lynn ? Do It Any Way You Wanna / Got To Be Real / Starlove [SPEC-1402] (12")
- Revolutionaries - Ring Ding Dance [HN1123] (12"/スリキズ)
- Roy Ayers - Virgin Ubiquity Remixed EP 2 [RR0049EP] (12"/2枚組)
- Scientist - Scientific Dub [LPCT0119] (リイシュー盤)
- Skyy - Let's Celebrate / Call Me / First Time Around [SPEC-1743] (12")
- Survival - Simmer Down [SR014]
- Tribe - Vibes From The Tribe [PE65301-1] (12")
- Vakula - Night Walks [LELEKA005] (12"/Clear Vinyl)
- O.N.O. - bg072 [TBHR-016] (12")
- ジミー・ブリスコー&ザ・リトル・ビーヴァーズ - マイ・エボニー・プリンセス [PLP-6543]
- チャカ・カーン - アイ・フィール・フォー・ユー [P-13032]
- マーヴィン・ゲイ - ミッドナイト・ラヴ [25AP2470]
- V.A. - Just My Imagination Volume 3: Dock Of The Bay [TRLS311]
- V.A. - Just My Imagination Volume 4: Midnight Train To Georgia [TRLS328]
- V.A. - Lowlife's Main Courses 'Food' [F-9539] (2枚組)
- V.A. - サウンド・ドリップス 2 [SCR-008] (12")
.....and more!!

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e-mail : okazaki@bananarecord.jp
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